Portrait of Sabira, collaboration between the artist Ivan Liotchev and children at The ArtsCenter, Carrboro, North Carolina, USA
Sabira Ståhlberg
PhD, Independent Scholar & Polyglot Writer and Artist
sabirien // ät // pm.me
(Multidisciplinary: Multilingualism & Multiculturalism, Asian Studies, Tatars, Balkans, Ethnobiology, History and more)
- PolyGlot & PolyGlotArt
- Bokpil: Lättläst. Easy-to-Read. Leichte Sprache. Лесно за четене. Лаке за читање. Selkokirjat
- Aybagar: Tatar language and culture. Tatar tele häm mädäniyäte. Татар теле һәм мәдәнияте. Ciñel tel. Җиңел тел
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