A new book documents Tatar women roles and visibility in Finland during the past century.
Journal of Endangered Languages: Tatar special issue
Tatar language preservation strategies and innovative practices is the topic of the special issue of Journal of Endangered Languages (Summer 2021). Guest Editor: Sabira Stahlberg.
Horse meat in Mishär Tatar culinary traditions
The article Horsemeat in the culinary traditions of the Mishär Tatar diaspora in the eastern Baltic Sea region: cultural and historical aspects, written by Ingvar Svanberg, Sabira Ståhlberg and Renat Bekkin, has recently been published in the Journal of Ethnic Foods.
Tatars in Studia Orientalia Electronica
Studia Orientalia Electronica Special Issue: Tatars in Finland in the Transnational Context of the Baltic Sea Region is now published.
Dr. Sabira Ståhlberg is guest editor for this issue.
Tatars in the Baltic Sea region
In the journal Baltic Rim Economies (2/2017), published on 24 May 2017 by the Pan-European Institute, University of Turku, Finland, Ingvar Svanberg and Sabira Ståhlberg write about Tatars in the Baltic Sea region.