The Tatars are a traditional minority in the Baltic Sea region. For a hundred years they have kept their culture, religion and language.
- Visible and Invisible Tatar Women in Finland. Aybagar 2022 (Open Access)
- Finland Tatar. In: Csató, Éva Á. & Karakoç, Birsel (eds.), Journal of Endangered Languages 13, Vol. 23: Language Documentation in Comparative Turkic Linguistics. Ankara. 253–271. (Open Access)
- Tatar language preservation strategies and innovative practices. Guest editor for special issue, Journal of Endangered Languages, Summer 2021. (Open Access)
- Foreword: Tatar language preservation strategies and innovative practices, Journal of Endangered Languages, Summer 2021. (Open Access)
- Tatar language preservation and educational activities in Finland (with G. Bedretdin), Journal of Endangered Languages, Summer 2021. (Open Access)
- Tatar Easy to Read Books for Language Learning, Developing Reading Skills and Support for Minority and Endangered Languages (with F. Nasretdin), Journal of Endangered Languages, Summer 2021. (Open Access)
- Haiku Poems as a Creative Path to Language Development and Language Learning (with F. Nasretdin and O. Kiss), Journal of Endangered Languages, Summer 2021. (Open Access)
- Internet-Based Resources and Opportunities for Minority and Endangered Languages, Journal of Endangered Languages, Summer 2021. (Open Access)
- Horsemeat in the culinary traditions of the Mishär Tatar diaspora in the eastern Baltic Sea region: cultural and historical aspects, Journal of Ethnic Foods (with I. Svanberg and R. Bekkin) 2020. (Open Access)
- Book review of Danielle Ross, Tatar Empire: Kazan’s Muslims and the Making of Imperial Russia. Studia Orientalia Electronica 2020. (Open Access)
- Easy to Read books — a method for developing literacy in endangered languages, EL Blog (about Tatar Easy to Read books) 2020. (Open Access)
- Studia Orientalia Electronica Special Issue: Tatars in Finland in the Transnational Context of the Baltic Sea Region. Guest Editor 2020. (Open Access)
- Tatars in the Baltic Sea region (with I. Svanberg). Baltic Rim Economies 2017
- Tatars in Sweden (with I. Svanberg). Muslim Tatar Minorities in the Baltic Sea Region. Brill 2016
- Tatars in Saint Petersburg (with R. Bekkin). Muslim Tatar Minorities in the Baltic Sea Region. Brill 2016